I've developed an SEO Google and YouTube Video mod a few days ago and published it but a lot of users wanted to be able to alow users to post difrent mediatypes to the forum then only Google Video and YouTube Videos.
So I then offered that I will continue the development of Any Media and making it SEO and optimize it to make it compatible for big forums with a lot of traffic as I learned with my current mod that there are cache possiblities within vBulletin to make all load super fast without the need of MySQL queries (as vBulletin will do it).
In return for my time wich might become a 100 hours (1 week) I would like to require a small icon to be placed on the video display screens linking to
http://www.publiceren.net/ with information about the free mod and nothing more (no spam etc., I'm just interested in the SE value for my domain).
If enaufh owners of forums with users would be interested to use this mod in combination with the icon/link I will start development today.
Best Regards,
Jan Jaap