Originally Posted by SilVert
not what i meant... i just went into /gallery/modules/core/admineditgroupuser.inc and found the code THEY USE. i have not attempted to make this work.... I think this is the right code "$ret = GalleryCoreApi::addUserToGroup($user->getId(), $groupId);". but there is a check right above this code in that file to make sure the users is not already in that group.
i am no coding guru so i wont be able to make thiw work without alot of time invested. i have the knowledge of how it shoudl be done, but i dont know how to impliment somethign like this. sorry guys.. but you can easily look into what each page does if you look in the folder where this file reside. maybe it will help you out.
if anybody does figure it out, plese post up the code. i would love to us it. right now my code is working, but it is the wrong way IMO...
so, Codeman05, i can give you the code that i have to create users and not create users, but i do not have anythign inplace RIGHT NOW that would allow for what you want... sorry. wish i did.
this is the classic problem(which if you would read back i have stated 500 times by now) of you trying to log into Gallery with the VBB user number 1, most likley Admin.
you have to go into the gallery DB and manipulate the ExtID's table to point user #1 in gallery to #1 in VBB... i have said this a bunch of times...
how can I do that"?
Ok is working at the moment, but unfortunately is not showing up some of the images that it should show up, like the blackjack image, etc..