Originally Posted by mahakala
i got the same problem. all works (exept the doubble videos in video.html) but when creating a new board i get this error:
Schwerer Fehler: Field seo_videos_bar is not defined in $validfields in class vb_datamanager_forum in /includes/class_dm.php (Zeile 485)
i downloaded the script yesterday
update: downloaded the new files from today; reinstalled the xml, installed the seo*.php - but still got the same error.
during installation:
taring update loop for the vBulletin Forum table
* Field "seo_videos_bar" did not exist, the field has been added to the table
* Field "seo_videos_bar" did not exist, the field has been added to the table
* Field "seo_videos_bar" did not exist, the field has been added to the table
The latest product (XML) contains a fix for that error. It's because the forum specific videobar was just partly developped.
Regarding videos.html to work, you need to upload htaccess.txt and rename it to .htaccess.
For this you need Mod Rewrite enabled on your server. It will rewrite videos.html to index.php?video=1 (in wich 1 is the page number).
Best Regards,
Jan Jaap