For those having issues, try this version instead (see attached). This version will attempt to display the Zoints Local avatar first if the user has uploaded and if they don't they it will attempt to display their vBulletin avatar if the user has selected one and finally it will default to a generic 'No Avatar' image as a last resort.
Just put the php file in your /forums/modules folder and put the attached gif file into your {style path}/misc folder.
Additional background info...
- The reason that $config['site url'] isn't working is apparently because that variable did exist at one time in the Zoints Local package but, at least as of RC2, it was removed. Since Tigga is a Zoints team member he gets to play with versions that we (the general public) wouldn't necessarily see. Because it was removed it's why using $vbulletin->options['zointsprofile_zurl'] worked instead for some people.
- The reason that $vbulletin->options['zointsprofile_zurl'] doesn't work for everybody is because when you install the vBulletin product that accompanies Zoints Local it creates the new options page in your ACP but... this is the part I overlooked before... you only need to specify a value if you put the /z folder somewhere other than in your /forums folder. That why for me it worked but not others. The revised code attached will use $vbulletin->options['zointsprofile_zurl'] if it has a value else it'll use '/z' if the value is blank.
- The gif file is the generic 'No Avatar' image that is normally distributed with CMPS. Because of that it shouldn't be redistributed with other hacks, etc, etc..