Originally Posted by Lionel
This is coming real handy to me. How much time before the commercial version is available? Will you include the fla files?
It will probably be around a month, or so; in the meantime this player will be updated so it can be used inside a vbulletin page, or as a pop-up.
Sorry but I never release my flash source files. This is why I place quite alot of security AS in branded versions; including 'domian-locking', 'domain-redirecting' and if any of my files are decompiled they virtually 'self-destruct' and become useless.
If most of the design was just pure Flash components and hardly any customized scripting I might release the fla, but this is very rare - most of my flash work is dynamic, meaning I import variables, images, etc directly from either php, xml or sometimes even a text file.