Originally Posted by bairy
Shazz, the reason I created the v3arcade version was because the way I saw it there were 4 options:
1. Never reset high scores. That means people get scores that can't be beaten and others just give up trying.
2. You prune high scores every so often. This means people who worked hard to get them just lose them without any record.
3. Prune just the top x scorers. Means other people have a chance of getting on top, but not fair on those who worked for the highest spots to just have them removed without record.
4. Compromise: Keep the scores but reduce them, thus keeping them there and the rankings (1st, 2nd, 3rd etc) stay in tact.
The fourth option that mine and stangger's hacks execute means:
a) they can be more easily beaten by others, and
b) people have to keep going back to "top up" their own reduced high scores.
Both of which increase arcade activity.
Oh my!!! Here it is!!!
Thanks man!! This is such a fine compromise as you say!!!
And Mucho Gracias to Stangger5 for putting it together!!!
*runs off to install*