Originally Posted by Exitilus
I've found a couple things. Not sure if it was intentional or what  First ..If a User Creates a Group (or is a Group Leader) you obviously have to enable the "Can Moderate Group" option or they can't moderate their own group.
Anyways I found out if you set the Usergroup to "Can Moderate Group". Everyone gets the Moderation option at the bottom that allows you to delete, sticky etc.. threads. To resolve it I did this in groups_display_viewthread
<if condition="$show['leaderoptions'] OR can_moderate()">
This resolved the issue of all users being able to access it.
Also ... I have set the members to Can Edit Posts. But only administrators have cess to do this. No one else does?
setting a usergroup to yes on "can moderate groups" makes them a super moderator for all groups. it have nothing to do with particular or singular options.