Log into your FTP
Go to
public_html --> forum --> includes
Download "config.php"
PHP Code:
define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true);
Save and Re-upload
Now If you're using Firefox go to
Tools --> Options --> Privacy
Click the button that says "Settings". Make sure "Cookies" are ticked and click "OK". Press "OK" again. Close your browser and try going to your site and see if it worked.
For Internet Explorer
Go to
Tools --> Internet Options
Click on "Delete Cookies".
Now go into your
ACP --> Plugins & Products --> Plugin Manager
Look for "Token Of Death: Bake a Cookie!" and Token of Death: Stealth Ban! (most likely it'll be this one that is causing the problem).
Edit the Plugin named "Token of Death: Stealth Ban" and change "Plugin is Active" to "No".
Edit your 'config.php' file again
Change this
PHP Code:
define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true);
To this
PHP Code:
//define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true);
Save and Re-upload.