thanks sorry01, I couldn't test with 3.6.3 so this is helpful
Hi Ronak, I'm not very good in iconifying.. but if you want, use the one below.
having you updated to the ajax issue:
I've build up a javascript that's able to read even multiple posts and spits them to predefined containers,
because ajax is only able to send and get ONLY ONE at a time, this really is nothing you really want, multiple sql querys, multiple php-calls, multiple TimeOutCalls (to fetch correct state) and extremly blown up script itself. (at this time twice as large as last version and growing)
So, right now I try to build an acp-option to activate this only if you know
what you are doing to your server with that, and this means loss of performance and of course to reduce sql queries to the absolute minimum.
And if possible to reduce the script itself to get smaller to save every ressource you (and I) have!
If there is one important thing, then it's performance
Now I have to find out what to optimize, what to drop, what to tweak again and of course all the debbuging that's possible
Still I am unable to promise a working ajax-version of this one,
but I will post what I've done as soon as I surrender or succeed