Some great news.
the main reason why the cron was not running in the cron folder is because
require_once( "./includes/vbms_preinit.php");
should have been
require_once(DIR . "/includes/vbms_preinit.php");
This is my log now
Warning 11-11-06 09:10 PM Running mail check despite there being 15 seconds minimum until next scheduled run
Debug 11-11-06 09:10 PM Connecting to mail server
Debug 11-11-06 09:10 PM Retrieving message count...
Information 11-11-06 09:10 PM There are 0 messages on the POP3 server that need to be downloaded
Debug 11-11-06 09:10 PM Closing connection
Information 11-11-06 09:10 PM vBMS mail checking completed