What I don't get, the cronimage, the envelope with the exclamation mark, displays every minute at the bottom of the footer. That should tell me that the cron did not run. The log tells me it was not possible to connect to IMAP, yet I get the mails, as per the image (I borrowed that code from the 3.07 zipped version that you uploaded)
One of the files, I think it was the cron, not sure, will not work until I changed it to $db so I played it safe and changed them all. I also changed some $vboptions into $vbulletin->options. Like Paul M. pointed in a post earlier, the interval settings had to be added.
Now, once I get the last bug out I could upload all my changes, someone else would have to package the xml. I still have not learned how to do it, as I code mostly for myself and work off database directly and use debug mode for settings.