Hey Stonyarc, good to see you are still working on this one. I will make a donation on your next revision.
I've already mentioned a few suggestions in my l
ast post in here. But since then, geocoding is really the main feature that I desperately need. I notice that the current api (v2) supports geocoding, so I'd hope this makes it simple to implement here. So, here is a summary of the features that I think would be good (apart from my original suggestions):
- Geocoding would have to be my #1 most useful feature, as my users are far less likely to submit locations on the map if they have to go to a 3rd party site to get the lat/log first. If they could simply use an address and look it up in my site directly, then they will actually start to use the map. With the geocoding, it would be nice to have the option to "add this as a location" from within the API. What I mean is, when a user has searched and found the location they want via geocoding, they can simply click on a link to add that location as a marker. They would then get the option to choose the category add extra fields, etc. This would save the user having to cut & paste the lat/long from the geocode when they wanted to enter a location. Lastly, geocoding would only be available to registered members (or possibly definable user groups).
- Also, the ability to zoom in and out with the scroll wheel of the mouse would be cool, but again, I guess that's probably included with the current API?
- The categories are currently available to be listed/filtered in text links. It would be nice if the categories could be filtered on the map as well. What I mean is that currently, there are coloured markers on the map for each category and the coloured flags are displayed along the top in the "HSE Dashboard". It would be great if clicking on one of these categories would highlight only the items matching that category on the map and hide the others. Perhaps you could add a "show" label to the front of these the also include another category for "show all", which would possibly be the default display.
- The ability to rate a location, or for users to provide extra comments. In my case, I list biodiesel suppliers, so it would be good if members could rate (say from 1 to 5) how well they trusted the quality of the supplier at that location. If this is too hard, then at least the ability for the original submitter of that location to be able to have a field to provide that data (already in my original suggestion).
I look forward to the next release.