Originally Posted by johnstires
I'd pay for a forum specific site as well that was branded like my forum but allowed my members to reach out to other zoint members and guests if they would like. I like alot of your functionality, but so long as it doesn't feel like my site, I'm not sure it's going to work.
As much as I would love to take your money as my truck needs a headlight fixed, what you want CAN be done with this free solution. We'll get you there, don't worry.
Originally Posted by johnstires
I'm still playing around to see how close I can get things. I don't think your fixed width solution works as everyone's browser is different, so padding it won't fix it the same for everyone. Also, is there a way to repeat a background image just once across? I have a gradient into a solid color on my forum, but it repeats on the zoints page, which doesn't look good.
On the image upload popup, tick the "repeat" box to no:
Originally Posted by johnstires
Finally, you say the header is simple to set up, but it doesn't recognize my phrasing etc. I have my navbar, PM box and search in my header. How do I get all that to work?
thanks for all the support on this, I really encourage all the work you're doing . Might not be there right now for my specific forum, but hopefully it will be soon.
We're looking to write a nice detailed tutorial for the header stuff. If you're interested and willing to give me access, i'll set your forum header up and use the screenshots of the process in the tutorial. You get what you want, I get what I want, and community owners get what they need. Go go synergy

PM me if you're interested.