Originally Posted by amnesia623
Please excuse my 1000's of questions, but I'm just trying to understand how to do this.
I want to store and stream files from this directory on my server:
home/user/uploadDir my forums sit here:
home/user/public_html/forum/ In order to get LDM to open home/user/uploadDir (where files are stored) I have to turn on local_file_root and set local_file_root_prefix to home/user/uploadDir and then put this in the LDM wimpy plugin:
$sltype = strtolower($type);
if ($sltype=='mp3' or $sltype=='swf' or $sltype=='flv') {
$wimpy_url = "local_stream.php?action=stream&id=".$linkid;
$wimpy_url = urlencode($wimpy_url);
$player = "Wimpy";}
Is this correct? Or instead of using the local_file_root_prefix would I have to use the openbase_dir ?
Thanks again
Almost correct, just one catch. You will need to set upload_dir as well as local_file_root_prefix, so you may find yourself with another subdirectory in there somewhere:
e.g. local_file_root_prefix - /home/user/files
upload_dir - /upload_dir
will put the uploads into subdirectories of /home/user/files/upload_dir