Well, basically this script runs as a bot on your server. It connects to AIM. You can see the bot online.
The bot is setup to recognize you (and whoever else you want) as administrators. You can issue commands to the bot and it will execute them.
The action scripts are where the command logic is stored (they are just plain Perl CGI scripts).
So, for example, you set up the bot, and the bots name is: MyVBBot. That is its AIM screenname.
It logs on.
You IM the bot this text:
It will read back to you who is online.
And it will close down the forum, just like you do in the admin control panel.
Normal users can also make commands, like:
This will show the 5 latest threads.
User commands start with ! by default and admin with #. These control characters can be defined to anything you want, so you could say, make it &:
There are more commands, and you can make your own custom commands providing you have some knowledge in the Perl programming language.
I do plan on writing a PHP bridge so action scripts can be written in PHP and the bot will call them directly through the PHP binary.
Not sure what kind of screenshot there is that would illustrate all of this.