This is an old discussion, and I doubt it will ever be resolved. JelSoft directs everyone seeking help with customizing their forum, to this site. Yet this site is overwhelmingly focused on hacks/hackers, rather than general programming help and assistance. In fact, the discussions that would be most beneficial to those wanting general coding support is hidden from the general user. The price of admission is, of course, publishing a hack: quite the insular, protectionist little circle.
I have no problem if this site wants to be "Hack Central", but JelSoft shouldn't direct people here for general customization questions. Too many users are being bounced from here to, and from there back to here.
There are several vBulletin related "coding" forums, but they have become obsessed with and overwhelmed by SEO, AdSense, forum promotion topics, or they try to be .org clones with their own "hacks". They all recycle the same topics and even the same userbase endlessly.
The forum owner interested in learning the software and coding their own modifications is pretty much left to learn on their own. That's not a bad thing, of course, but JelSoft is setting the wrong expectations about the role of .org.