I did ask.
I am on a shared machine and the hoster declines to install something that he doesn?t know and that has an effect on the whole machine.
Even the FTP-Version need some changes on the server directly, I didn?t find a way to install IonCube with the access I have.
if you had read either the post about the commercial version or the post immediately below the "buy" button, you would have figured this out.
Okay, you?re right about the information below the "buy"-button. I didn?t see it. But there is no thread about the commercial-version and you also block any support for the commercial version here.
The pissing-thing is that to get this software to run I need to pay much more then the product costs, I have to spent muche more time in it and so on. For a software that costs 10 Dollars, which is very little money, for my opinion this is very respectless to the custommers. Even any note in this (!) thread is missing about Zend or IonCube.
It also surprises me that you communicate, that the only reason why you?re taking money for the hack is because of the company you developed it for. You personally would share it for free. I don?t understand why this hardcore copyright-saving is needet for a software that you personally would share for free.
I personally would prefear to pay much more, but also to get a thing that is worth the money. 10 Dollars for something that isn?t working or that isn?t working for me without paying 100 Dollars more on it is just to much money. Even the 10 Dollars is to much for me. On the other hand ... 100 Dollars for a working software would be okay, if I knew it before.
Another thing: My most reason to buy this license was to find out if it works the way I want to have it working. And as a kind of respect to the work you do. This is the way that feels good to me to be respectfull.
However ... I think I over-reacted. On the other hand ... I don?t see a way to get this software running for me, so I think this is just another 10-Dollar-Loss for me for no reason. Bad Luck.
Best wishes, Julian!