Originally Posted by CyberRanger
Done! I've released it as an add-on module.
Create New Thread
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# DownloadsII Create New Thread Add-On 1.0 #
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DownloadsII Create New Thread Add-On, is not a stand-alone mod. It requires DownloadsII 5.0.4 or higher.
You can find it here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=120122 (free)
// What does it do? //
When a user uploads or updates a file via DownloadsII a thread is created or updated in the specificed forum.
// Features //
1. Ability to global select the forum that receives the new thread and the userid of the thread creator.
2. Ability to decide what forum receives the new thread and the thread creator based on the category of the file
3. Option to have the thread created by the uploader or always assigned to the same user account
4. Option to never create threads by category
5. Usergroup permissions for being allowed to create a new thread
6. Link added between thread and Downloads file detail.
7. Updated Downloads entry creates new post in thread alerting of an update.
8. Database link to Downloads file entry removed if thread is deleted.
9. If the Downloads new entry is placed in moderation, so is the thread.
I just thought of the best idea
Basically the opposite of the above. This may not be able to be completed until downloads can have multiple files.
So when a user creates a thread that post and file gets moved to the downloads database.
Options would include:
1. Have the option for the mod to approve the thread before it is accepted or moved to the downloads database.
2. Set it up so each forum is linked to a category in downloads. eg. Forum1 is linked to category X (lets say I have a forum called mac downloads then I would also have a category called mac downloads, and they are both linked together, so when a new thread is created it is moved to that category. If it doesnt have a category that matches it then it is moved to a default category waiting to be approved or moved.
3. Have it say on the downloads database "Official support forum here" and have it link to the thread that created it.
4. Really need to be able to close the thread so no one can post in the downloads database as an option if #3 above is used. because people will be posting in the forum for that download.
I know some of these features may have to wait, but what do you think of the idea so far?
This would be by far the best thing for my forum ever.