You can see it Here :
PHP Code:
echo"<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">";
$f_url = "."; // Change this to reflect to your forum's URL.
$f_id = ""; // If you wish to display the posts from a specific forum, enter the forum id here. Otherwise, leave it blank.
$limit = "20"; // Number of posts displayed.
$tcolor = "#006600"; // This is the color of the title.
$postedcolor = "#CC3300"; // This is the color of the bottom text.
$txtlimit = "100"; // This is the character limit.
echo"<marquee onmouseover=this.stop() onmouseout=this.start() dir=\"rtl\" direction=\"up\" scrollAmount=\"2\" scrolldelay=\"50\">";
echo "<table dir=\"rtl\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\">";
if ($f_id) {
$forumid = "AND forumid=$f_id";
if ($limit) {
$limited = "LIMIT $limit";
$t_sql = mysql_query("SELECT threadid,title,lastpost,lastposter,forumid,postusername FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread WHERE visible=1 AND open=1 $forumid ORDER BY lastpost DESC $limited");
$lp = $t_get['lastpost'];
$p = $t_get['lastposter'];
$tid = $t_get['threadid'];
$fid = $t_get['forumid'];
$pun = $t_get['postusername'];
$f_sql = mysql_query("SELECT title FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "forum WHERE forumid=$fid");
$getf = mysql_fetch_array($f_sql);
$ftitle = $getf['title'];
$postsql = mysql_query("SELECT postid FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post WHERE threadid=$tid");
$getpost = mysql_fetch_array($postsql);
$pid = $getpost['postid'];
$d = date ("m/d/y h:i A" ,$lp);
$t = $t_get['title'];
$t = substr($t,0,$txtlimit);
echo "<tr dir=\"rtl\"><td dir=\"rtl\"><font size=\"2\" face=\"utf-8\"><a target=_blank href=\"$f_url/showthread.php?p=$pid#post$pid\"><FONT SIZE=\"4\" COLOR=\"$tcolor\" face=\"tahoma\">$t</FONT></a></font><br> <font color=\"$postedcolor\" face=\"tahoma\" size='2'>نویسنده : $p | انجمن : $ftitle | شروع کننده موضوع: $pun</FONT></td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
I think a file must be include for check users cookie by Vbulletin .:hurt: