Sorry if I posted this in the wrong place.
I added a right sidebar to my forum. In that side bar there are ten seperate news feeds for The site loads very fast in Firefox, Opera, Netscape, Safari, and Konqueror, but for some reason loads very slowly (and sometimes hangs) in IE6 and IE7. I haven't tested any other versions of Internet Explorer.
I think it's because IE tries to cache the entire site first before it displays (including the RSS feeds), whereas the other browsers load the site first and the feeds last.
I guess my three options are to:
1. get rid of the sidebar. ( I would really hate to do this)
2. hide the sidebar from IE users. (I don't know
how to do this)
3. optimize the code so the site displays immediately in Internet Explorer and doesn't cache the entire site first.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to check out the site at
Thanks guys