Originally Posted by jarvis
I would like to see is that each time a file is added/uploaded, it creates a thread in a specific forum announcing the upload with description, link ,etc.
If no one had the time, I'd be willing to contribute to a fund. 
Done! I've released it as an add-on module.
Create New Thread
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# DownloadsII Create New Thread Add-On 1.0 #
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DownloadsII Create New Thread Add-On, is not a stand-alone mod. It requires DownloadsII 5.0.4 or higher.
You can find it here:
https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=120122 (free)
// What does it do? //
When a user uploads or updates a file via DownloadsII a thread is created or updated in the specificed forum.
// Features //
1. Ability to global select the forum that receives the new thread and the userid of the thread creator.
2. Ability to decide what forum receives the new thread and the thread creator based on the category of the file
3. Option to have the thread created by the uploader or always assigned to the same user account
4. Option to never create threads by category
5. Usergroup permissions for being allowed to create a new thread
6. Link added between thread and Downloads file detail.
7. Updated Downloads entry creates new post in thread alerting of an update.
8. Database link to Downloads file entry removed if thread is deleted.
9. If the Downloads new entry is placed in moderation, so is the thread.