Frequently Asked Questions
Q. This is all installed on MY forum?
A. Correct
Q. Is there a live example of Zoints Local running that I can check out?
A. You can see a wide variety of forums that have installed Zoints (both new and old versions) in our Community Directory:
Q. I would prefer to utilize the centralized version of Zoints. Can I?
A. No, sorry. Not until we standardize the Zoints Local and code. We do not have an ETA for this.
Q. How do I create a default style for my members?
A. Creating a default style is easy. Using the Zoints Style Editor, create styles as you normally would. As an admin, your custom styles will be automatically listed in the zadmin.php control panel. You can specify the same or different styles for each page by going to zadmin > pages > edit name/style as shown in the image below.
The style dropdown menu will then be populated with all your custom styles.
You can also add a logo and header to the top of all /z/ pages on zadmin > settings.
Q. Why do I have to register my community with Zoints and get a forum token and authentication key?
A. Zoints Local provides (and will add many more) features that require secure authentication between Zoints and your forum.
Q. My forum uses the Zoints centralized system. Can I switch?
A. Absolutely! The system does it automatically. Please note, you cannot run both.
Q. What browsers do you code for?
A. Firefox 1.x+, IE 6.x+, and Opera 8.x+. Other browsers may or may not work, however, we do not officially support them at this time.
Q. The images in the navigation bar don't fit well with the style I created, can I change them?
A. Yes, you may overwrite those images with your own as long as they are named the same and are easily readable.
Q. Are there any vBadvanced modules that work with this?
A. Of course. Currently there are
Recent blog entries and
random members.
Q. I have custom profile fields I don't want to lose. What about those?
A. No problem, we created a block that automatically pulls all the custom profile fields. See it
here. Blocks can be made to do pretty much anything
Q. Does this work with my existing and custom BB codes?
A. Yes! As an example,
this screenshot shows comments using the popular YouTube and Spoiler BB codes.