Hello Everyone and Michelle,
I really love your mod, but there is one slight problem when trying to create an effective contest and implementing it.
What I am trying to do is create a contest for all my users to be rewarded for the most referrals in a given month.
I would like them to be able to see their standing on your "Referrer Statistics" mod. However when you set the cutoff date to just show the referrals for the current month, you are also cutting off any users that registered prior to that date as well.
Therefore the contest can only be for people that have joined and have had referrals within the same contest month if I am wanting the results to show up on the monthly referral contest.
So.... I am aware Michelle that you are not actively supporting this mod at the moment, so I am asking anyone else if they know how to change the mod to be able to show referral results dictated by the cutoff date but for all users regardless of their register date.
I hope that makes sense.
Thank You,