I have
http://www.nepalhub.com/ as a forum, and
http://www.nepalgossip.com/ as a chat site.
In my site, i have a form [username] and [password] which I pass to my server side php. Since I am using plesk in a safe_mode, I cannot chdir() and I do not want to disble safe_mode either.
Since both domains are in the same server, my script can connect to the vb database locally.
$_nick= $_POST['nick'];
$_pass = $_POST['pass'];
my query is:
select userid, username, password from user where username='$_nick' ,
but here, the output of md5('$pass') and what I get from the database as pasword is different. I did a search and found out some sort of salt being used. However, I am not able to find out how to exactly use or get the salt.
I have been searching this forum almost 1 hour now, but unable to get to the right documentation.
Please point me to the right direction.