Thanks a whole lot, I've been searching for a way to do this for a long minute now.
Could I bother you so much as to have you create something that would allow me to add a footer template of sorts to the rss2 feed? I want to insert a banner with a referral code into the bottom of every rss2 item. This would be similar to the "Add your logo to the RSS 2 Newsfeed" hack you made for 3.0.
It would also so be real nice if I could add "digg this"/"add to delicious" etc links to the bottom of each item (like feedburner does it), but this is probably asking for too much. If you don't know what I'm talking about, check out this feedburner feed of John Chow's blog:
Edit: I just checked the feed from your site, and it isn't trimmed. I guess this isn't working for 3.6.2 yet?