Originally Posted by tekstylez
I am getting the following code when posting a new thread
<br /><br />
----------------------------------------<br />
----------------------------------------<br />
Is there a fix for this?
THat's because u prolly have html-code set to off
Go to ur plugins
Custom Thread Forms [newthread_post_start]
In the big text-box with the php-code, scroll down to the bottom and find:
$vbulletin->GPC['message'] = $vbulletin->GPC['message'] . "<br /><br />
----------------------------------------<br />
----------------------------------------<br />";
replace it with:
$vbulletin->GPC['message'] = $vbulletin->GPC['message'] . "
So, the <br> tages just become an enter

(make sure they are within "")
You prolly might have the same problem with the custom tags and answers..
Above that area u just fixed, find:
if(in_array($foruminfo['forumid'], $forumids))
$custom_message .= "<b>".$forms['title']."</b>: $value<br />";
Change it into this:
PHP Code:
if(in_array($foruminfo['forumid'], $forumids))
$custom_message .= "[B]".$forms['title'].":[/B] ".$value."
If u want colored titles, do something like:
PHP Code:
$custom_message .= "[B][COLOR=Navy]".$forms['title'].":[/COLOR][/B] ".$value."
Notice that I removed the "" from [COLOR=
(somehow placing a \ in front of them isn't working)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
I would like to see an option in type of field, like I want to have a textarea sometimes.
And also the ability for an url-field.
So u get:
._________ . .___________
|_link-field_| |_name-field_|
for example