Its looks kinda nice, but it is very basic. I would want to be able to have lots of different categories to rate a product on.
For example if some one wants to rate a VCR. I would want the make, model number, and brief description to be included first. The there should be a few different categories to rate it on such as build quality, consmetics, remote control, etc. Then there should be a place for otehr comments. The ratings from all the categories should be averaged to give an over all rating.
Each product category should have its own set of ratings categories. Obviously you would rate a VCR differently than a piece of furnature. I am not at the point where I could come up with this kind of code yet, but I am working on it. Hopefully someone else with better knowledge of PHP/MySQL could come up with something a little sooner, cuz god knows when I will ever be good enough!!!