Originally Posted by hornstar1337
- Just remove their permissions to add files

- This isn't possible at the moment and isn't very easy to create quickly. Although it isn't very difficult also (add a new field to the user table and check for it, so that's an easy thing). I will look into this to create a plugin for it

- This is one of the top requests: custom file fields. I can't promise anything, but ofcourse we will try to get this in the next big release.
- Adding a search box to the left column isn't very difficult, just an easy template edit:
Open the downloads_wrapper_site template
<br />$dl->downloadsmessage
Above add:
<div align="left">
<form action="./downloads.php?do=search" method="post">
<input type="text" name="query" maxlength="75" size="20" />
<br /><input type="submit" name="submit" value="{$vbphrase['ecdownloads_search']}" />
- The same as point 5, just another code to add, your advertising code (img or something else).
- This requires file edits when you want a field for this in the category admin. If there aren't a lot of categories, you can use template conditionals.
Place them below $navbar in the DOWNLOADS template.
For example:
<if condition="$cleancatid == '5'">
<img src="http://www.yoursite.com/images/banner.gif" alt="banner" />
Ofcourse you just change the number 5 to the correct category id.
To become default: I really want a search field placed on each page in a next big release, so that will become default normally. We are also considering the custom file fields like I said. I don't think the custom category fields for advertisements are going to make it to become a default feature, not that many people would use this.