Customising order of RSS external output
Is there any way to do this?
We're trying to use our VB to display a list of dates for a DJ on his website... where each date equals a thread in a special forum on our VB.
However, it seems the RSS feed outputs strictly in order of post number, showing the highest post numbers first.
This means, when the RSS feed is displayed from the DJs website, we end up displaying five gigs (threads) that are happening in January, but not gigs happening next week. I guess we want to be displaying the RSS in reverse date order.
Are there any mods / hacks available that give us a little more control over the RSS output? Or any RSS 'fetch' stype scripts that would allow us to order the output once it's been grabbed from VB.
We've already got a mod installed allowing us to change the date of posts to the date when the gig is taking place, which ensure the threads display in the right order in the forum, but not when we output via RSS.
Edit... we're also happy to use JS to show the output instead, so if there were a way of showing the OLDEST five threads in a particular forum using JS (which I think might be a bit more flexible), then that would do the trick.