In the past I've been working on updating vb's reputation system on our forum..
Sadly, it got thrown away when I did my first forum-upgrade (I didn't know upgrades are devestating, lol)
A little abt the project:
Our problem:
In the beginning the reputation-levels and rep-power was fine..
People needed abt 2-xxx reps before they got their next block.
But the reppower grew infamously big, that nowadays a new guy receives 5rep-boxes in one go :hurt:
There's only a cap available for admins, in the vb-options...
And a mod that adds a few golden boxes isn't a solution, it just makes u happy untill everyone also has those boxes... -_-
Our idea:
The limit on rep-power for admins is a nice feature.
Though it's not really a limit, cause if u would have 10reppower and become an admin, u'd get 25rep-power (default value)
- We wanted a limit per user-group (both positive as negative power)
- And the choise for rep-givers to give less than their current rep-power.
- Same as a rep limit per user-group for rep-givers, also a limit on receiving-points per user-group
With all thise whiping out forum-upgrades that await us in the (near) future,
I would like to build a product for this.
But I dont'have any experiences with products and xml.
I'm only good at php and design work.
But since vb uses templates and variables and gets less and less php for security, I dunno where to code php
So, I'm asking for help with this mod