To answer your question...I just installed the ads about 12 hours ago and the results are AWESOME! I've earned much more revenue today than I normally would have. I absolutely LOVE this mod.
This is a
GREAT mod but I would like to see some changes in this mod. I would like there to be 2 seperate templates for the 2 ads or even make it customizable to have 3 since I think 3 ads is the limit you can have perpage. The reason for seperate templates is so you can track which ads and which location of ads are making you the most money. When you can track (using the channels) your ad revenue, you can maximize your earnings.
Also, sometimes the ads are showing up in btwn some forums that I didn't indicate them to be btwn...anyone else having that problem? And I've also noticed that sometimes the ads aren't showing up...I looked at the code and I nothing jumped out at me...but do you have it so that the ads are "hidden" at times?
Again, great mod! I highly recommend this, especially since this isn't violating adsense's TOS. I've earned quite a bit more money today than I normally would and I'm lovin' it
