Yea I got scammed for $1k, but....I did get most/all of it back
At first Paypal refused to reverse it, so I reversed it via my credit card company.
The ....idiot still sends me MSN messages asking if I want skins done (lol) even after he's been banned from here and still scams people
Me think he's got a screw or two loose somewhere.
Originally Posted by Shredder5655
Hey guys, It looks like I got scammed by Kolby as well.
First, he wanted me to send it Via Western Union for Payment. Thankfully, the Western Union Guys talked me out of that. Now, he gives me a friends paypal address. Red Flag number two.
Two weeks go bye, nothing. Supposedly his computer crashed, and he's on vacation. First he goes to CA when the design is supposed to be ready, now he's supposedly down to Mexico. I guess I should go to Paypal and ask for my money back. again, what's a good designer that does graphics and coding for around $300's?