Originally Posted by adwade
Well I broke it somehow. 
After posting, the screen refreshes and you're brought back to the thread, but w/o the spam message showing up you just posted.(as it's being held for moderation now)
Are you using the Phrase Manager or the Language Manager?
I changed the message here: Languages & Phrases -> Phrase Manager -> Phrase Type: Error Messages -> invalidid
I noticed the option exists in the Language Manager as well but it does not seem to make the error message change. This error message should be independent of the mod -- meaning if you uninstalled the mod you should be able to change this error to "I eat sandwiches" or something and see it whenever a thread is not found or is moderated.
Ideally I'll mod it to give the same message given when a user posts a message that is flagged as moderated, but I don't know where to do this yet...