I'll chime in a bit:
I don't post much here, I use other vB help sites to learn things. I normally post when I install a hack.
The reason I don't post much is the same reason why I don't particpate in large communities, you get lost in the sauce to speak. You can post a solution to a problem yet no one will find it because 100 people are asking "How do I?" when you've already posted the fix. Searches are thrown off the by "how to do I" threads.
As for hacks: I think
there should be some clear indication of weather they are currently supported or not. AnyMedia is one of the big ones. Everyone is asking questions. Maybe a mod should post on the release part that it's no longer supported. I'm no coder but if I was to release a hack, I'd definetly make sure I have the time to keep supporting. Yes, life does happen but at least give someone else permission to update your code.
Finding answers: It's very true that the "how to I" threads with no answers dilute the search engine results. People not using the search engine is a problem on
most if not all forums. I don't see anything the forum staff here could do to make people use the search engine.
Just my .02,