Again, thank you for the info r007.
The collor palette provided by vBulletin contains many colors that probably are never used. It is nice of course to have plenty of colors but why not provide support on how to adjust the pallete for your needs? Even on the default skin, some colors are not readable.
Also, it amazes me that there is no hack or some info on any of the related forums on how to edit/change the color pallete.
Anyway, I did some trial and error and wish to share it, hopefully somebody will come with more complete info on how to do it, or why not, a nice hack. I will post it in other similar forums too.
So I edited the file suggested "vbulletin_textedit.js" and the current color HEX defintion is:
* Define available color name options - keyed with hex value
* @var array Color options
var coloroptions = new Array();
coloroptions = {
'#000000' : 'Black',
'#A0522D' : 'Sienna',
'#556B2F' : 'DarkOliveGreen',
'#006400' : 'DarkGreen',
'#483D8B' : 'DarkSlateBlue',
'#000080' : 'Navy',
'#4B0082' : 'Indigo',
'#2F4F4F' : 'DarkSlateGray',
'#8B0000' : 'DarkRed',
'#FF8C00' : 'DarkOrange',
'#808000' : 'Olive',
'#008000' : 'Green',
'#008080' : 'Teal',
'#0000FF' : 'Blue',
'#708090' : 'SlateGray',
'#696969' : 'DimGray',
'#FF0000' : 'Red',
'#F4A460' : 'SandyBrown',
'#9ACD32' : 'YellowGreen',
'#2E8B57' : 'SeaGreen',
'#48D1CC' : 'MediumTurquoise',
'#4169E1' : 'RoyalBlue',
'#800080' : 'Purple',
'#808080' : 'Gray',
'#FF00FF' : 'Magenta',
'#FFA500' : 'Orange',
'#FFFF00' : 'Yellow',
'#00FF00' : 'Lime',
'#00FFFF' : 'Cyan',
'#00BFFF' : 'DeepSkyBlue',
'#9932CC' : 'DarkOrchid',
'#C0C0C0' : 'Silver',
'#FFC0CB' : 'Pink',
'#F5DEB3' : 'Wheat',
'#FFFACD' : 'LemonChiffon',
'#98FB98' : 'PaleGreen',
'#AFEEEE' : 'PaleTurquoise',
'#ADD8E6' : 'LightBlue',
'#DDA0DD' : 'Plum',
'#FFFFFF' : 'White'
I started to change the colors definiton and noticed the palette it still display 40 squares but some colors are the same. Then I replaced the word "White" with "DeepSkyBlue" but with the same HEX and noticed that instead of 40 colors palette, I have 39.
I went further with the mods and I currently have only 12 colors left. I realize that this is just trial and error.
I have finalized the script to this form:
* Define available color name options - keyed with hex value
* @var array Color options
var coloroptions = new Array();
coloroptions = {
'#708090' : 'Black',
'#A0522D' : 'Sienna',
'#696969' : 'DarkOliveGreen',
'#008080' : 'DarkGreen',
'#0000FF' : 'DarkSlateBlue',
'#0000FF' : 'Navy',
'#FF00FF' : 'Indigo',
'#696969' : 'Black',
'#FF0000' : 'DarkRed',
'#FF8C00' : 'DarkOrange',
'#808000' : 'Olive',
'#008000' : 'Green',
'#008080' : 'Teal',
'#0000FF' : 'Blue',
'#708090' : 'SlateGray',
'#696969' : 'DimGray',
'#FF0000' : 'Red',
'#F4A460' : 'SandyBrown',
'#9ACD32' : 'YellowGreen',
'#2E8B57' : 'SeaGreen',
'#48D1CC' : 'MediumTurquoise',
'#4169E1' : 'RoyalBlue',
'#FF00FF' : 'Purple',
'#808080' : 'Gray',
'#FF00FF' : 'Magenta',
'#FF8C00' : 'Orange',
'#9ACD32' : 'YellowGreen',
'#9ACD32' : 'Lime',
'#00FFFF' : 'RoyalBlue',
'#00BFFF' : 'DeepSkyBlue',
'#9932CC' : 'DarkOrchid',
'#808080' : 'Blue',
'#808080' : 'Pink',
'#808080' : 'Wheat',
'#808080' : 'LemonChiffon',
'#808080' : 'Magenta',
'#808080' : 'PaleTurquoise',
'#808080' : 'SeaGreen',
'#808080' : 'Plum',
'#48D1CC' : 'DeepSkyBlue'
Obviously this script relates to another script. I wanted to get rid of black and in fact it is not in the pallete anymore but it still is in the reference color. See the final in the attached image. The colors are OK now to be used under multiple skins BUT the black still appears under "A" (color selection) and by just pressing the button without displying the palette, the black is still there.
Hopefully these changes will gives some ideas to others...