Even though I liked the feature, for some users it was kind of unusual... and they want the old way back. So I decided to make it user choice.
Here how I accomplished it:
Added a new user Field, with "Yes"/"No" option (in my case field was
Opened Plugin Manager and slightly changed templates
First Post On All Pages only the folowing two hooks:
showthread_post_start and
in both plugins right in the first IF statement's condition I added following line:
PHP Code:
AND $vbulletin->userinfo[field8]=='Yes'
so instead of
PHP Code:
if ($forum['showfirstpost'])
PHP Code:
if ($forum['showfirstpost'] AND $vbulletin->userinfo[field8]=='Yes')
Note that Field8 is my user-defined field and in your case you need to replace with the one you create in your system.
That is it - I am happy and my users have a choice and they are happy too