software to create lessons
Dear cyber specialists, I have a question which was not covered well enough,
I am looking for software where I can easily create art lessons, paid memebership, password protected areas, where would be step by step demonstration of how to do certain painting techniques, with picture and video illustrations to be displayed.
It will also be good to be able to keep track of customer’s information, like mailing list, shipping address, cookie tracking.
Does anybody have any experience with this kind of problem?
I tried to create and sell PDF files; they are good but it is impossible to display video and also it’s always lack of life updating and improving.
I tried html lessons but it’s too much technical work to upload, to download, dream weaver, front page ... ftp etc…
so I need something more simple. Internet browser - kind of to be used by people without any HTML editing knowledge.
I will be very appreciated for any advise