I have integrated a vBulletin forum into a client's website and set up 3 people to have access to the Control Panel. All 3 of us were in the control panel at the same time and I received a database error message. Here is the message:
Database error in vBulletin :
mysql_connect(): Too many connections
/home/agnitiog/public_html/forums/includes/class_core.php on line 271
MySQL Error :
Error Number :
Date : Monday, October 16th 2006 @ 09:30:03 AM
Script : http://agnitiogroup.com/forums/cron.php?&rand=735604
Referrer : http://agnitiogroup.com/forums/index.php
IP Address :
Username :
Classname : vb_database
Is it o.k. to have 3 super moderators? And why can't all 3 of us be in there at the same time?