This is a nice mod, which we're using on our forum.
My main gripe: The default setting is to set all uploaded images as private, so when a member uploads a file, it's viewable only to him/her. This can be changed, of course, by the member clicking 'Make public' for each image, etc.
However, the default wish for most people uploading images is that they be uploaded to be seen by others - i.e. as public. Yet I can see no configuration option to make the default setting for uploaded images in the hack to be made public. This would be a substantial improvement to the product: an AdminCP configuration setting that causes the default for images to be public, so that users don't have to change the setting individually on each image; rather, images would be public by default, and users can set individual images to private if they wish (which fits much better with normal user patterns).
Any chance for an update to accommodate this? I grow terribly weary of dozens of members uploading images, then complaining that they're not visible on the 'View All Member Images' listing, etc.
Or perhaps there is in fact a way to do this in the current version, that I've missed?