Originally Posted by nanabite
Hi Guys,
Now that all my members are settling into vBulletin, I was hoping I could get some feedback about the site design. I haven't done too much to the default template (and don't want to tweak too much to reduce maintenance). I would however be interested in ideas on how to make the site header and vBulletin header work together a bit better.
The URL to my site is http://www.aussiepythons.com/
The subject matter is amazing... Not everyday you run into a forum about snakes and they are real facinating... My first impression is that everything is so green I cant really find my way around easily... So much information that I would not spend a lot of time searching around in it. Not because the info is not facinating but because there is so much of it.
My suggestion is that you keep the green as a base color but add some things... especially images of snakes! Snakes are so facinating you have to add more images and less uniform green !
Keep up the good work and it will shine I know it!
PS Nanabite..... regarding hard to find colors that compliment green... Shades of brown work great!