Originally Posted by ChavMagnet
Im not feeling these im afraid yahoo smilies  no thanks. Cheers for sharing.
I am not sure if i understand what you are saying? Yahoo smilies? If you mean the smilie's themselves are premade then yes, they are. But if you work with animated smilie's, some have over 100 clip's in order to be animated, then you have to add your bar and color, mood name, then set your timing to what the mood may be.......If you check the frame speed, i set them all different, some are 7/100th's, other's are 21/100 of a second.......Lastly, i did over 100 of these animated moodycon's which took almost 3 total day's and that was working till wee hour's of the morning. Try taking an animated icon and making it move.......It take's alot of work and patience........and to be quite honest, i thought they would be fairly easy to complete and figured i could easily do them in a couple hour's and i have great software to work with from adobe......Not that easy.
I am truly sorry that you can't use them on your site, my user's love them way more then the static mood's, and i believe from alot of the response's i have had via email, pm's and in this thread, other's are enjoying them too.....but maybe that is just me.
Would you like for me to remove them from the site? I really don't want to have people thinking that these are just something you can pick up of the internet some where and add them to your site........all but 10 were made by ME, using animated icon's......No i didn't build the icon itself, i built the animated mood that corresponde's to the mood a user maybe in......Without sniper's mood manager, this wouldn't even be needed......It's not a replacement for anything found on the internet, it is just supposed to be an upgrade for a tool that help's make your site a little more fun.......nothing more.
To the rest that have responded, thank you for the compliment's and i really hope your site member's enjoy them......... doug (hotwheels) of insanemustangs.com