Originally Posted by paul41598
Yah I got it now. Use the CSS for the markup, and that shortens all my inline a href crap, so now it fits and works. Thanks!!!
oh and actually I did this
<a class="adminmarkup" title="Administrator" href="javascript:uopup('test.html')">
found my first bug with this code.
If I goto memberlist, and click a usersname....it tries to open the popup window. This isnt good.
So add an image in front of the username or something then, that is linked to the popup.
Or you could do this:
Originally Posted by peterska2
If you are allowing your users to have custom titles, then you need to set your user titles per usergroup to the default for that usergroup (eg member, admin, banned, etc) then use the user ranks manager to set the titles based on post count.
As an addition, you can use as many user ranks as you want for each user and these can be images or HTML. Just make sure you say yes to the stacking question when you are creating them.
When you have made all the changes to the system that you wish to make, you just need to go to Maintenance > Update Counters > User Titles & Ranks for the changes to take place in everyones profiles.
..wich allows you to add a link under the usertitle (or was it the avartar?) to your popup!

(since it allows html)