Originally Posted by joerns
Have created the module as per instructions, activated it and added it to the home page but nothing shows up - blank. Went into the CP and set the options to one column and one picture. The module is set to display in the right column. Wrecked my brain, but couldn't figure out what the problem may/could be. Any ideas? I'm running vBulletin 3.6.1, PhotoPost vBGallery v2.0 (vB 3.6) and vBadvanced CMPS v2.2.0 (vB 3.6.) I see you tested it on vBadvanced CMPS v2.2.1 (vB 3.6) but that does not seem to be availalbe for download on vbadvanced,.com yet?
Had the same problem until I updated the init.php file.