Originally Posted by WebmasterSimds
I take it back, I dont know what happened, but after i did the updates of the extras, that i aded like the forumshome and 2 others dealing with forums home then i started to get that message again. and I did the upgrade?
Now here is a question. what would cause this to give that message above?? a small glitch with using an extra? a change in the forum i change to have the posts about the downloads go there? I am comnfused, cause all i did was upgrade , recheck the settings, add a new forum so that the LDM system will post into that topic instead of the one i had before. and that was it. ( Trying to give you the most information I can for you to help me)
So im stuck.
Again when I do a upload it takes me to the message
"This page is not designed to be access directly"
now the upload will post, but i have to click the back button 3 times to get back to where i wanted tobe at. to see it.
So again confused. I hate to bother you with this, but its the weiredest thing that I cant figure out.
Thanks in Advance
I'm also confused. If you are quoting the phrase correctly, it doesn't appear anywhere in LDM or in VBulletin (not even "not designed"). Are you saying that you have other hacks installed alongside LDM? That's all I can think of - that the different hacks are interfering with each other. If you can narrow it down a bit (try disabling the plugins/hacks one at a time and find out when things work again), it may help.