I take it back, I dont know what happened, but after i did the updates of the extras, that i aded like the forumshome and 2 others dealing with forums home then i started to get that message again. and I did the upgrade?
Now here is a question. what would cause this to give that message above?? a small glitch with using an extra? a change in the forum i change to have the posts about the downloads go there? I am comnfused, cause all i did was upgrade , recheck the settings, add a new forum so that the LDM system will post into that topic instead of the one i had before. and that was it. ( Trying to give you the most information I can for you to help me)
So im stuck.
Again when I do a upload it takes me to the message
"This page is not designed to be access directly"
now the upload will post, but i have to click the back button 3 times to get back to where i wanted tobe at. to see it.
So again confused. I hate to bother you with this, but its the weiredest thing that I cant figure out.
Thanks in Advance