How do I sort New Topics by forum/category?
I did a search here trying to find an answer and could not, so apologies if this is a repeat question but I did try to find the answer myself first.
When users click on New Topics they get a list of the latest topics since they last logged on in chronological order. What I would like to do is have this list still be in chrono order but organized by category/forum.
Instead of:
Message 1 in Chat Forum
Message 2 in Support Forum
Message 2 in Chat Forum
Message X in Photo Forum
Message 3 in Support Forum
Message 3 in Chat Forum
I would like to have
Chat Forum:
Message 1
Message 2
Message 3
Support Forum
Message 2
Message 3
Photo Forum
Message X
etc. This way when members pull up the new topics they are sorted and if they are really only interested in a particularly category or forum they can see what is new in that category/forum without wading through all of the rest of the new messages in other forums that are displayed on the results list.
This "should" be an easy modification if it requires a mod because it is just adding another value to the sort order, but I thought there might be a way to do this in vbulletin by default without hacking the code.
Does anyone have an answer?
BTW I'm using 3.6.2
Thanks in advance!