I have this installed and it runs just fine, however when I have it turned ON and then do VALIDATE the HTML code for my webpage (see
http://validator.w3.org/ ), I get 22 XHTML errors.

If I turn the hack OFF, all but one of them goes away. Do others experience the same thing?
Most of the errors reported are simple things like:
Error Line 560 column 393: end tag for "a" omitted, but OMITTAG NO was specified.
...re than 10 results"> Top 10 Stats</td>
Error Line 824 column 123: end tag for "img" omitted, but OMITTAG NO was specified.
...src="images/statusicon/post_old.gif"> <a href="showthread.php?s=f7b74129df65f
Info Line 824 column 60: start tag was here.
...wrap="nowrap"><div class="smallfont"><img border="0" alt="Old" src="images/st
So if one wanted to find/fix them, is that done in the xml file that you import?