Originally Posted by ShadowOne
Which One Is Better...This One Or Your Other One... Whats The Major Differences? And I Hear THat MP3 Players On VBulletin Will Crash If Too Many Users Use It At One Time...
There are major differences between the old XML version and this full vBulletin integration.
Changes since the original vbMp3 Player- Fully compatible with the 'vBulletin Product System'
- Use database population as opposed to XML (more secure)
- Uses Usergroup permissions (2 options per usergroup)
- Settings for playlist Mp3 Management
- Mp3's can now be moderated via AdminCP
- Add/Delete Mp3's in the AdminCP
- Approve/Deny new Mp3's (uploaded via members)
- Enable/Disable PM system (used for informing you of new Mp3's added)
- 100 track 'forced' per playlist (preventing an unstable issue)
As for mp3 players crashing vBulletin, I've never heard of it...

I can't see how this would happen.