i did click the "?" and i did forward the port and i have inserted the URL and i have done....that is why i was asking for help.
and i didn't realize you needed to fill all 3 fields as the directions were a little confusing on that part. i thought nickname if you weren't registered and then login and pass if you were. my bad sorry about that
this is my config info
TS Server name"; // Your TeamSpeak Server Title
IP"; // The IP address of the server you want to display.
51234"; // TeamSpeak query port. You shouldn't have to change this.
8767"; // TeamSpeak UDP Port. The port your server is running on.
server password"; // Server password.
"150"; // This is the size of the table that houses the display information. You should NOT modify this.
my module info

/vBulletin/TeamSpeak/blah blah blah is the same as yours as my forum folder is called "vBulletin" no change needed there.