Originally Posted by magic168
Something is majorly wrong and I can't figure it out. I had this working perfectly on my old forum, but then when I had to reinstall fresh, it doesn't work anymore on the new installation.
First off, no button appears. I viewed source and saw that it was not printing the $post_thanks_button_image variable. It starts off with an a href and ends with an /a with NO IMG SRC in between.
So I tried just copying the code for $post_thanjs_button_image into the $post_thanks_button variable...and the button shows up.
But the AJAX is all messed up for some reason.
Can you PM me for some help?
Same here... very odd.
I have installed and ran this hack on my board since it was intro'd.
I installed a fresh vBB 3.55, installed the hack made the edits and uploaded the product.... no button
Is it possible this is a 3.5.5 issue?
Is it possible to hard code the button into the postbit template instead?